"Roadmaps" for building renovation step by step
The Horizon 2020 project explore, design, develop and demonstrate the concept of individual Building Renovation ROADmaps.
These building renovation roadmaps serve as a tool outlining deep step-by-step renovation plans with customised recommendations for individual buildings (iBROAD-Plan), combined with a repository of building-related information (logbook, iBROAD- Log).
The iBROAD approach is an evolution of the Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) and energy audit systems, aiming to become a real driver for renovation. The project will analyse and build upon relevant examples in Germany, France and Flanders, to identify the elements, develop an integrated concept, and produce modular tools, suitable for differing national conditions.
The innovative concept and tools of iBROAD were tested in Bulgaria, Poland, Portugal and Germany. The on-site inspection followed by specialist training provided а positive feedback from auditors and users in addition to feasibility analyzes and applicability of the model to other building types and EU Member States. Stakeholder engagement has been a key objective since the beginning of the project in the participating countries (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Poland, Portugal and Sweden) and at the European level.
iBROAD targets residential buildings, with a focus on single-family and small multifamily houses.
iBROAD’s implementation, beyond the project's duration, will strongly support building owners in step-by-step deep renovation, while avoiding lock-in effects. iBROAD-Plan and iBROAD-Log are expected to empower energy auditors and end-users with knowledge and experience of deep renovation in individual buildings, and to provide public authorities with real-life studies and analysis supporting deep renovation, both for individual buildings and as a long-term national strategy, increasing the renovation rate and depth across the EU.
Project details
Total cost: EUR 1 957 095,60
Coordinated in: Greece
Partners: 12
Duration: From June 2017 to May 2020