Local governance

For more than 25 years, EnEffect acts as Secretariat of the Municipal Energy Efficiency Network EcoEnergy, within which it assists local authorities in forming policies for the efficient use of energy resources and sustainable energy development. The organization is the author of an internationally recognized methodology for municipal energy planning, accepted by the Joint Research Center (JRC) of the EC as the most suitable for countries in transition, as well as of the only online municipal energy management system Bulgaria, provided free of charge to the Bulgarian municipalities. As the secretariat of EcoEnergy, EnEffect is a supporting structure of the Covenant of Mayors and a representative of the European Energy Award for Bulgaria. Within the framework of its partnerships with municipalities, it provides services such as energy planning, energy audits of buildings and street lighting systems, implementation of energy systems management, development of business plans, assistance in access to financing, training for municipal experts and energy managers, and joint participation in national and international projects.