
Dr. Dragomir Tzanev

Dr. Dragomir Tzanev

Executive Director

Dragomir Tzanev is Executive Director of Center for Energy Efficiency EnEffect and official representative of Municipal Energy Efficiency Network EcoEnergy – Bulgaria. Coordinator of the successfully completed and BUILD UP Skills Bulgaria, BUILD UP Skills EnerPro (IEE), Train-to-NZEB, Fit-to-NZEB, nZEB Roadshow (H2020), MEMS and CONGREGATE (EUKI) projects, as well as of the ongoing EXCITE, BeSMART (H2020), BUILDUPSkillsBG2030 and SHEERenov+ (LIFE) projects. Team leader for EnEffect in more than 30 international cooperation projects. Member of the Advisory Board of the International Passive House Conference and of the UNECE Group of Experts on Energy Efficiency. Author of a series of publications and lecturer at numerous international conferences in the field of sustainable energy development, education and training on energy efficiency and RES in buildings, principles of passive and nearly zero-energy buildings, and municipal energy planning.