

Covenant of Mayors with a new training programme

Enrolment has opened for the new Covenant of Mayors training and experience sharing programme for 2022-2023.

It builds on the success of previous phases, in which municipalities of all sizes and regions, energy agencies and coordinators from across Europe have had the opportunity to participate in exchanges that aim to increase their capacity and knowledge by forging new partnerships and engaging in discussions to tackle climate and energy challenges

In 2021, 45 cities, 6 coordinators and 4 energy agencies were supported to connect with each other to improve their capacity to develop and implement their local action plans.

The programme includes four different units targeting municipalities at different stages of their climate change mitigation and adaptation pathways. Each unit has been designed to meet different local needs, offering exchanges of good practice and training that aims to increase the capacity of participants to develop and implement ambitious long-term strategies, as well as to tackle fuel poverty.

Call for municipalities and application form

Call for coordinators and supporters

Selection criteria

Deadline: 25 March 2022, 18:00.

Source: Covenant of Mayors