


In the period 31 May - 2 June in Expo Center "Flora", Burgas and online, the Energy Efficiency Center EnEffect and the Municipal Energy Efficiency Network EcoEnergy organize a national conference "Zero Energy Buildings: the Future is Now".

The first day of the event will be dedicated to the development of knowledge and skills for building energy efficiency, with participants able to learn about current training schemes and educational opportunities, and the day's programme will conclude with an open discussion on developing a system of continuing professional development.

Financing zero energy buildings and building renovation will be the focus of another roundtable on financing investments in energy efficiency in Bulgaria, which will take place on the second day, 1st June. Two consecutive dedicated sessions will discuss issues related to the shift towards owner co-financing in the implementation of national building renovation programmes and existing financing mechanisms.

The central theme for the third day of the conference is the role of local authorities in the implementation of European and national climate and energy policies, and the programme includes a specialised seminar on financing municipal investments in energy efficiency with the participation of representatives of the European Investment Bank.
The accompanying programme over the three days includes:

  • A training seminar for designers and building professionals, and a seminar for home managers and home owners;
  • Demonstrations and company presentations of the latest building materials, products and technologies;
  • Seminars to showcase renewable energy financing programs and technologies;
  • Discussing the feasibility of energy cooperatives in Bulgaria;
  • Presentation of the first zero energy caravan in Bulgaria.

Of course, we will not forget the little ones, as on June 1 we will organize a special program for them with lots of games and entertainment.

The event is organized with the kind support of Burgas Municipality and the media partnership of 3e-news, participation is free, the preliminary program can be seen here and registration is open at