GPP Training

Trainings on Green Public Procurement
In October 2018, EnEffect signed a contract with ICLEI ( to conduct a series of trainings on Green Public Procurement.
Within the framework of the contract, EnEffect has the task to adapt the GPP Training Toolkit of the EC according to the needs of the public authorities in Bulgaria. The original materials, together with the translation in Bulgarian, can be found here:
The toolkit consists of 6 independent modules with PowerPoint presentations (including trainer notes) and accompanying instructions, as well as 10 operational modules covering different product groups with PowerPoint presentations (including trainer notes).
The independent modules are as follows:
- Green Public Procurement (GPP) – An Introduction,
- Strategic Aspects of GPP,
- Legal Aspects of GPP,
- Needs Assessment,
- Market engagement,
- GPP and the Circular Economy.
The operational modules are:
- Computers and Monitors,
- Copying and Graphic Paper,
- Furniture,
- Indoor Cleaning Services,
- Office Building Design, Construction and Management,
- Paints, Varnishes and Road Markings,
- Road Design, Construction and Maintenance,
- Road Lighting and Traffic Signals,
- Road Transport,
- Textiles Products and Services.
The materials adapted by EnEffect, arranged chronologically according to the conducted trainings, can be downloaded from the following links: (Session 1; Session 2; Session 3; Session 4). After each training session, the link will be updated with the new materials.
The EnEffect team expresses its special gratitude to Todor Popov, Chief Legal Adviser of Gabrovo Municipality, for the support in adapting the materials and conducting the trainings.