Stanislav Andreev
Manager of EnEffect-Consult Ltd.
Stanislav Andreev is manager of EnEffect-Consult Ltd. He has been working for more than 15 years in the field of energy and energy efficiency and has practical experience in the identification, assessment, implementation and verification of the results of energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. He has participated in conducting thermal balance tests of steam turbines in some of the largest power plants in Bulgaria, including NPP Kozlduy, TPP Varna, TPP Ruse-East. He has prepared assessments for the utilization of landfill gas potential from municipal solid waste landfills. Participated as an expert and team leader in a number of international projects under Horizon 2020, LIFE and EUKI programmes. He has been a speaker at national and international conferences and trainings in energy management, energy audits, energy efficiency, municipal energy planning and green public procurement.