
Experts from Bulgarian municipalities, EcoEnergy and EnEffect took part in sustainable energy initiatives
Bolzano, Italy, KlimaHaus exhibition & NZEB Roadshow project, 8-10 March
The KlimaHaus specialised exhibition took place in Bolzano, which EnEffect representatives had the pleasure to visit as part of the nZEB Roadshow’s final project meeting. There was a very strong presence of insulation products made of natural materials and integrated photovoltaic systems. Lots of knowledge and practical skills through demonstrations were presented in the most attractive way by our partners from Zephir - Passivhaus Italia.
International Passive House Conference in Wiesbaden, Germany
The 26th International Passive House Conference, Wiesbaden, Germany, was held alongside the news of the Energy Efficiency Directive vote and the upcoming vote on the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive in the European Parliament. The European framework is improving, and so far what is missing are sufficiently ambitious national policies. However, the market is increasingly informed and often ahead of the regulations, as the growth of certified passive buildings shows.
Representatives from the NZEB Roadshow Zephir project - Passivhaus Italia and the Hellenic Passive House Institute were the best received speakers at the conference - they actually did the hardest part: translating the science of buildings into a language that everyone, even the youngest, can understand.
Impressive results were also shown by OutPHit: solutions for the most current trend in building renovation - modular prefabricated components, guaranteeing quality and short time on site with extremely high energy parameters.

Municipality of Karpos, North Macedonia, 14-16 March
From 14 to 16 March, part of the EcoEnergy team together with representatives of Sofia Municipality and Gabrovo Municipality - pilot municipalities in the framework of EnEffect's Excite project: the European Energy Award in Central and Eastern Europe - conducted a working visit to Skopje to exchange experiences in sustainable energy projects at local level.
Good examples from the municipality of Karpos - the first in North Macedonia to have a dedicated ecology and energy efficiency department and municipal employees using electric scooters to visit their sites - were visited. In their most recent project to renovate a kindergarten, they installed a hybrid solar installation that produces heat as well as electricity.

ComAct project meeting, Burgas, Bulgaria, 22-23 March
The 5th ComAct project partner meeting took place in Burgas on 22-23 March. Together with colleagues from the consortium, an analysis was made of what has been done so far and the tasks ahead in the pilot countries - Hungary, North Macedonia, Lithuania, Ukraine and Bulgaria - where the ultimate goal is to alleviate energy poverty by supporting highly efficient and durable improvements in multi-family residential buildings.