BUILD UP Skills Bulgaria 2030

BUILD UP Skills Bulgaria 2030

Roadmap for training and qualification on the implementation of intelligent energy efficient solutions in buildings in Bulgaria until 2030

The consortium, represented by EnEffect (project coordinator), Agency for Sustainable Energy Development Agency (SEDA), National Agency for Vocational Education and Training (NAVET), Bulgarian Construction Chamber (BCC) and Bulgarian Association for Construction Insulation and Waterproofing (BACIW), unites to work on the “National Roadmap to integrate trainings on intelligent energy solutions for buildings in the mainstream curricula and practice of building professionals and increase the number of skilled workers and professionals to reach the national 2030 targets in the building sector” project, called for short BUILD UP SKILLS Bulgaria 2030. The project is conducted within the BUILD UP Skills initiative under the LIFE programme of the European Union. As a continuation of the first stage of the same initiative in the period 2011-2013, which lead to a row of improvements in the national educational standards in the construction sector, the project offers new opportunity for construction stakeholders and national education representatives to join forces. The main goal to significantly increase the knowledge and skills of construction specialists in buildings with nearly energy zero performance, is directly related to the expected updates of the Energy Efficiency Directive, Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) and Renewable Energy Directive (RED II)- part of the Fit-for-55 legislative package. The new project will rely on knowledge and experience collected from already completed and ongoing projects under the Horizon 2020 programme: BUILD UP Skills Enerpro, Train-to-nZEB, Fit-to-nZEB, CraftEdu, nZEB Roadshow, nZEB Ready, INSTRUCT, BUS League, BUS- GoCircular.

The national platform for dialogue will be revitalized as part of the BUILD UP Skills Bulgaria 2030 project, which would build the foundation for a wholesome process on consultation and cooperation among stakeholders in the construction sector and in the professional development related to it (professional chambers and associations, associations of producers, training centers for professional education, public authorities and others). A detailed survey will be performed including:

  1. Status quo analysis of the national system for continuing professional development (CPD) and of its capacity to meet the needs for upskilling in energy efficiency and use of renewable resources into buildings;
  2. Evaluation of the national strategy to achieve the goals of the Integrated national energy and climate plan (including its contribution to the construction sector) and the Long-term national strategy supporting retrofit of public and residential buildings;
  3. Identifying barriers and the need for training courses, qualified trainers as well as collecting quantitative data on requirements for qualified workforce until 2030. 

Based on this research the national Roadmap and strategy for upskilling of the workforce in the construction sector will be prepared, which will also be presented for approval by the relevant institutions and interested parties. The Roadmap will also include concrete activities and relevant commitments for application and implementation. The main objective of the project is for the Roadmap to become a valuable tool in achieving the national goals in relation to energy efficiency, renewable energy resources and climate adaptation, as well as reaching the goals of the EU, reflected in the European climate Law and in the respective institutional, legislative and financial framework, with focus on the “Renovation wave”. 

Start date for the project is 1st of October 2022 and will last for 18 months. More information about the project is available at

More information:

NATIONAL ROADMAP to improve the qualifications and skills in the construction sector to deliver sustainable energy solutions in buildings by 2030, June 2024

Report on the conducted market research and data collection from the construction companies
Current state, practices and trends in the construction sector in Bulgaria (Status Quo Analysis)
BUILD UP Skills – Bulgaria – National Roadmap 2030, January 2024