

Experts from EcoEnergy and EnEffect took part in several initiatives related to sustainable energy

Uzana Meadow Fest, Balkan Mountains

The green festival "Uzana Polyana Fest" was held in the Uzana area above Gabrovo from 22 to 24 July. Uzana is the largest herbal meadow in the country and is an attractive place for tourism and recreation throughout the year.

The event is organised by the Municipality of Gabrovo, with the first edition of Uzana Meadow Fest that took place in June 2011, demonstrating green ideas in action. The festival is the only outdoor eco-event nationwide and over the years has become a home for green ideas and shared practices, encouraging eco-friendly behaviour and attention towards our surrounding nature.

This edition showcased a range of environmental themes, ideas and practices and initiatives formed into 10 zones related to interactive activities, building eco-training, healthy products, art initiatives, green challenges, eco-friendly food in the atmosphere of the Old Mountain.

During the event, experts from CEE EnEffect and Greenpeace Bulgaria conducted joint training on the topics of energy efficiency (comfortable, healthy living environment in our buildings and how to improve them through energy efficiency measures) and climate challenges.

Cluj-Napoca, Romania

CEE EnEffect experts took part in a study visit of the EXCITE project in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, together with representatives of the municipalities of Sofia, Gabrovo and Dobrich. The project is coordinated by CEE EnEffect and aims to contribute to the promotion of best practices in the field of energy management, applying the time-tested methodology of the European Energy Award (EEA) in Central and Eastern European countries. 

Representatives of municipalities from Macedonia, Romania, Slovenia and, despite the challenges, partners from Ukraine also participated in the visit. During the training, the representatives of the local authorities were introduced to good practices from the implementation of the EEA in Romania. The aim of the meeting was to discuss interim progress and next steps for building a national EEA methodology, adapted business models for local climate action and broad civic engagement campaigns in the different countries involved in the project.

Among the activities foreseen under the project is the development of a dedicated online capacity building platform to offer blended learning, training and certification opportunities for municipal energy managers. Also, a study trip to Austria will be organised for the pilot municipalities, as well as participation in international peer meetings and trainings.