


National roundtable for financing energy efficiency investments in Bulgaria

In the framework of the series of Sustainable Energy Investment Forums (SEIF), the Ministry of Energy and the Center for Energy Efficiency EnEffect with the support of the Renovate Bulgaria organize the conference "Energy efficiency of the building stock: the cornerstone of the sustainable energy transition". The event is held with the media partnership of the Bulgarian Green Building Council and 3e-news. The date is 30 January 2024 at 9:30 am at the Intercontinental Hotel, Sofia, and will be attended by the Ministers of Energy and Environment and Water Rumen Radev and Julian Popov. 

Following the adoption of key amendments to the Energy Act and the Renewable Energy Act and the publication of the Draft Sustainable Energy Development Strategy, Bulgaria has in recent months intensified its work on the update of the Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP), which is expected to set specific targets for reducing energy consumption and limiting carbon emissions. An amendment to the Energy Efficiency Law is also currently under preparation, which will define the structure, management and functioning of the National Decarbonisation Fund, the main financial instrument in the NECP, which is expected to provide the necessary resources for policy implementation. 

In view of the key role of building renovation in achieving the national targets, the upcoming XII Roundtable on Financing for Sustainable Energy Projects will put on the agenda the issue of reforms in the sector that would make it possible to implement market-based projects, given the expected exhaustion of funds under the available investment programmes and the reduction in the intensity of public support. Issues of creating institutional capacity for integrated management of energy policies will also be addressed, allowing public resources to be targeted efficiently in the areas with the greatest investment needs and avoiding duplication of functions between existing and future financial instruments.

Stepping on the discussions in previous events, two of the key tools for policy implementation will be examined in detail: the concept of smart buildings and related certification tools, which are becoming increasingly important for the banking sector, and the professional management of building stock, which preserves and enhances their economic value.

Traditionally, the event will be organized in a plenary session and thematic workshops, which will be followed by a closing panel discussion with representatives of public institutions, business associations, local authorities and energy experts. It is planned to culminate in the adoption of a joint declaration which will provide a basis for broad public discussions and attract strong public and media interest in view of the topicality of the issues raised and the need for clear institutional positions.

Link to access the meeting - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86903673874

English translation will be provided for the panel sessions (up to 14:45 PM EET).

See more: Background note and Agenda